Wim Wenders' Wings Of Desire is lyrical. I admire it increasingly, as melodies captivate me, but I would dare to say that all who are listeners hear the rhythm of this work.
This particular piece is exceptionally related to my recent studies and explorations of still film and its relation to time, death, and space. When a moment is captured by a light sensitive material, and hence has the ability to imprison (I use this word presently in relation to my current philosophies (and inner battles) towards photography,) a moment in time, impossible to purely repeat; does that not relate to the ideas of the physical and metaphysical ideal of the 'self'?:
"When the child was a child,
it was the time of these questions:
Why am I me and why not you?
Why am I here and why not there?
When did time begin,
And where does space end?
Isn't life under the sun just a dream?
Isn't what I see and hear and smell
Just an illusion in front of a world
In front of a world?
Does evil actually exist,
and people who are really evil?
How can it be that this 'me' that I am
Wasn't 'me' before I existed,
And that someday this 'me' that I am
Will no longer be 'me'?"
In many ways Wenders reminds me of Fellini - a film of realities, yet firmly rooted in the dreams of men. Both Wings Of Desire and La Dolce Vita are subconscious (yet blessedly conscious,) looks at the human role from perspectives of men in circumstances of power. Wings Of Desire being the 'power' of the angels. La Dolce Vita being the power of the influential.
The delight of lifting one's head
Out here in the open,
Of seeing the colors
In all men's eyes, enlightened by the sun.
At last mad, no longer alone.
At last mad, at last redeemed.
At last mad, at last at peace.
At last a fool, at last an inner light.
My mother -
She was never my mother.
My father -
My father was my father.
She doesn't love you.
Never did.
And you're faking it too.
Be glad they forgot about you.
You're finally free.
"I want to die and live forever,"
She said.
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